
Kolplast News

Liquid-based cytology for non-gynecological samples

The CellPreserv method can be successfully applied to non-gynaecological samples, enabling cell concentration for poorly cellular samples.

In addition to cervical-vaginal cytology, samples obtained from other anatomical sites are commonly analyzed by cytological methods. These samples can come from the urinary tract, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract or fluids from cavitary effusions. Samples obtained by fine needle aspiration (FNAB) of palpable, solid or cystic nodules are also part of a cytopathological routine.
The main characteristic of cytological examination is the investigation of neoplastic cells, both in primary diagnosis and in tumor staging or follow-up of treated patients. However, cytology can also be important in ruling out a neoplastic lesion, thus enabling the diagnosis of non-neoplastic inflammatory or infectious processes.

The liquid-based cytology method CellPreserv liquid-based cytology method can be successfully applied to non-gynecological samples, enabling cell concentration for poorly cellular samples, as well as reducing background interferences such as artifacts, blood or excess mucus. The liquid medium technique can be used as a single processing for some specimens such as urine and cavitary effusions, using only a previous centrifugation, or as a complement for more complex diagnostic specimens such as thyroid and salivary glands, which prioritize smears on slides.

The end result can be very satisfactory by adding a method that allows adequate preservation of the material, reduces artifacts in the background and also makes it possible to carry out complementary techniques, such as specific stains or immunocytochemical tests on the residual material. It can even be processed for cell embeds in order to provide complementary diagnostics.




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The CellPreserv liquid-based cytology method can be successfully applied to non-gynaecological samples, enabling cell concentration for poorly cellular samples, as well as reducing interferences in the background.